If you are looking to get involved in Network Marketing, or if you want to change networking companies, here are some tips on how to get it right 1st time!
I got lucky. Very lucky as it turns out. 12 years ago I met a couple who told me about the International networking business they were building as they travelled around the world. I got involved without doing any research other than attending a national training day. I knew nothing whatsoever about the Industry, very little about the couple and nothing much about this particular company, other than what I learnt that day. (Ignorance is bliss). It is only with hindsight, having met many people over the years since who have been in 2, 3, 5 networks or more that I realise how unusual it is to join a good company on day one in network marketing.
What I did realise straight away however is that when a network marketing company gets it right (more on that shortly) then you have the most amazing concept for creating a pension-style income in 3-5 years, and for freeing up your time to enjoy your life. It certainly beats working 9-5 for 40 years with no guaranteed pension at the end of it (for most people that is the case these days). And people from any background can build a successful business with the right company and the right attitude.
From my 12 years experience in networking, and working with many people who have been in other mlm companies, these are some of the key points I feel you should be able to tick when considering which company to join. It is so important to do your research because, unless you have excellent intuition, you could spend the next 2-5 years (or more) building your network, only to have the company go bust, leaving you with absolutely nothing, and probably putting you off the industry for life. And yes, I know people this has happened to.
Do they have a proven track record of success? (Again, you need the stability if you still want to get paid 5-10 years down the line.) A new company could be here today, gone in a year.
Do they have consumable products? (Who wants to put all their time and effort into continually finding new customers, which is the case if your company's products are not consumable. Don't you want your time freed up to build your network if you want a big business? So consumable products are essential for that to happen.)
The Marketing Plan. When you reach a position in the company's plan, what do you have to do to maintain that position? Can you slide back down the plan if you don't maintain volume? (Who wants to get penalised for taking time-out?) What is the top bonus payment percentage? ie are the company rewarding you fairly? (I get up to 68% including the extra incentives)
Is the plan generous to people at all levels, or just those who were in at the beginning? How easy is it to move up the plan quickly?
Is the Company ethical? Do they have a stable Management team? Do your research! Spend some time now getting it right, so you don't waste your time for years to come on the wrong company. There are a lot of good Network Marketing Companies out there - and some may not be so good...Are the distributors 'happy?' Don't just take your sponsors word for it, talk to others outside your sponsors group who have been with the company a while.
Do they have a good training program in all areas of the country or are you left to 'get on with it' once you sign up? (You may be very self-motivated and have previous experience of networking, but what if the people you recruit need training - and what if they live at a long distance?)
I hope you find these tips guide you in the right direction and Good Luck with your networking career