But they were the type of mailing list advertising that would require auto action initiated by the consumer. Mailing lists, especially online, and my participation in events have multiplied like rats my sister used to keep in our yard. When I find that caring for a company to offer me a choice of opt-out in the fine print, I know that something went wrong. But what is the root of the current advertising mailing list problematic nature?
I think it all started in 1789 with a kindly fellow named Adam Smith. I think Mr. Smith's ideas about human nature and use of those commitments inherent in the form of competition to raise the general welfare of society, were really designed with good intentions. However, the unintended consequences have resulted from the laissez-faire approach to markets that Mr. Smith has proposed.
My intention here is not to consider the economic implications of a liberalized market economy, but rather the socio-psychological. What effect are brought to a community that has the birth of the invaluable merits of competition pushed on them? It is my contention that the results are extremely difficult to combine the actions of the community spirit in personal gain at any cost.
I can't blame a single person of firm for behaving in exactly the manner in which the system that they operate has taught them, but I feel that a re-examination of our system is much over due. Mailing list advertising that gives not an iota of consideration to the unwelcoming client is simply a product of its environment and I think the environment needs to change.