I am often asked by subscribers to the website British Auctionline to have a look at their eBay listings. This is usually because they do not do as well selling their items as they had hoped. When I go look at the list, I often find they have one or more of the common mistakes that discourage bidders.
1. Too many negatives. Some people, especially newcomers to eBay have a very real fear of being cheated or ripped off. Because of this, they apply the negative in their list. This can be in the form of a long list of types of payment they used to accept or conditions that they apply. Another thing I saw was the warning that the seller you will not be liable for any lost mail. Worse still are threats such as negative feedback if payment is not made within a certain time after the auction ends. These kinds of restrictions and threats are a great big sales to any potential tenderer.
2. The shipping costs. Most reasonable people are happy to pay something on the cost of postage to cover packaging materials. But as I saw the other day, someone who is in charge $ 10 to ship a $ 4.99CD, which grows a little. If you are unsure of how the views bikdder average hyped shipping commentgs just go read on any forum on eBay and see what the buyers feel about it.
3. Do not use a photo Gallery. I guess no one is serious about selling on eBay would consider putting up any entry without a photo. I can not think of anything that would not benefit from a photograph. But there are still many vendors that do not function for a photography gallery next to their listing in search results. Ebay's own figures show that the use of a photograph gallery can increase the final bid figure by as much as 12%.
4. Setting you opening the offer price is too high. If you want to attract more offers and therefore a higher price for your final item you should not too high the price bid opening. A low opening price attracts casual browsers who just bid on the chance of a bargain. Once bids have been entered a few other people start to notice your ad and come to see what it is all about. So before you know, the price is soaring. However, if you start with too high a price, you could end up as one of the many ads that attract no bids at all.
5. Not to communicate. I know that some eBay sellers who have actually returned to answer e-mails. In fact, I know who just do not answer questions from sellers. How stupid? A question from a seller is a great opportunity for you to build a relationship with a potential buyer. A quick and pleasant will almost certainly encourage offers a brief or a reply not.
The point is that eBay is a numbers game, the more people you can get your items to bid on more than the price they will get. This is why it is important to do everything you can to encourage auction does not try to dissuade.