This article will try explain step by step instructions on registering your own domain name, hosting space and how to upload.
Hosting Space
What is Bandwidth
What is the difference between Windows and Linux host?
Domain Name
So many hosting and domain registration websites, simple please
How to Upload a website
For your website you need somewhere to store all your files. Documents, Images, etc. Pricings for hosting can vary from $3.95 up to $15 or more per month, depending on a few things (Number of Visitors, large files hosted, images)
What is bandwidth?
Each hosting plan has a limit of bandwidth you see, this is usually the limit per month, if you look at the bandwidth like a bunch of cars on the highway that tell you how many cars are allowed to go on the highway before you need to add another lane, it also means that only a certain number of cars can go through the highway per month. If you have large video files (large truck) does not take up more bandwidth. Smaller files / images means smaller cars, which means more traffic can go through, so try to make the file smaller if possible.
What is the difference between Windows and Linux hosts?
When you look at the web site hosting, "Windows Server" or "Linux server" then that gives you a choice on what programming languages your website is written in. Talk to your webmaster about this. PHP programming language running on Linux systems and ASP programming language running on Windows systems.
Domain Name: You bought your hosting or host on your own machine, you need a simple way to point to your hosting space. For your website to look professional and easy to remember you can register your own domain name. A domain name is like: "" or "" etc. They come in many extensions, the most common COM .. Domain names are very cheap now days and I would recommend.
So many hosting and domain registration websites, simple please:
I've used the internet for a while now and there's hundreds and hundreds of hosting website and domain name registration places, one that I'd have to recommend would be Cheap Domain Seller sells both Domain Name and hosting, if buying both they give discounts ($1.99 domain names, $3.95/mo hosting), One click install scripts(forum, photo galleries,blogging) and much more. All with
Basic plan for a medium size website via the website:
Economy Plan:
• 5 GB Space • 250 GB Transfer
• 500 Email Accounts • FREE! Software
• 10 MySQL Databases • 50 Email Forwards
• Forums, Blogging, Photo Galleries • No ads
How to upload a website:
If via the above plan, you can use the program "Microsoft frontpage" or FTP to upload your website. There are many free FTP clients such as a program called "smart ftp". For full details on how to connect to your website hosted on check out their website.