I did this sort of testing, once before with Yahoo! Mail, and I took the time to get rid of all my SPAM (from coming into the inbox). I'll share my secret.
1. First, you should have 3 email addresses; (@.hotmail, @.yahoo, @.gmail). These 3 email addresses should represent your public (personal) email address, your business email address, and your spam catcher). Remember the less you publicly use your email address, the less SPAM you'll have.
2. If you want to use the public or your business email address, you travel to each site, (which you plan or need to share your email address), you should check the website Privacy Policy. You do not have to learn the policies, but fingers through it and see what their policy is about sharing your information. If the policy does not have this clause or the site does not have a Privacy Policy (obviously related) later became skeptical and think this site plan to share your information. Many sites claim to be legit and has a privacy policy in place, but through the backdoor they sell your information, so never believe all in the privacy policy, just make good
judgments. The best thing about the management of SPAM is that you can speculate how someone gets your email address, because your amount of SPAM is to secure a minimum and you manage your email address. Places you must enter your email address and you feel skeptical about the use of public or business email address then you must enter your email spam catcher.
3. Your public (personal) email address should be used for public trusted sources, such as: on forums, discussion boards which you frequent. You should use this address only on sites which you trust and visit on a day-to-day or occasional basis. Your public email address should be used for sign-up forms (only sites you want information from). Your public email address should also be used to subscribe to newsletters which you initiate. Your public (personal) email address should be your most commonly used email address for basic day-to-day communication. This is the email address you should share with family, friends, and co-workers.
4. Your email address business must be used for business contacts. In fact, you DO NOT have a business email free email address, should email address with your company, your website, or your business name (eg. @ Yourcompanyname.com). If you do not have a company, business or web site and then use a free email address and make your email address for professional purposes, such as placing this email on your resume, etc. This should be a very reliable source. You just have to share your business email address with your individual connected with one-on-one professional or business level. Example: You should not share email addresses with a staff of customer service from a company, but you have to share an email address with the company's CEO. This is your exclusive email address. In some cases you may share your email address your business with customer service staff, but the source must be trustworthy and you have to make good judgments. Example: If a company plans to transmit sensitive information through email, such as information on money market accounts. Email your business can use to register on the site that you will use your credit card and is the site that is very honorable and honest, well-known world. Email this should only be used with people who you trust with the information and belief will not share or send your ad. You should only use this email address to get related corporate information or information that directly affect you or your business at the level of consumer or business. You should NEVER publish your business email address on websites, forums, discussion boards, or other publicly available media.
5. Your spam catcher email address is the email address you should use at any time you feel skeptical, when you don't trust a site, or when a site doesn't provide you information that you wish to receive. Many sites have products, programs, or services which you want, but to register or to move forward you must enter an email address (and most of the time the email address must be valid and confirmed), therefore you should have a spam catcher email address, for non-trusted sources. Using your spam catcher email address you could easily register at any site while using a valid email address, which you can log into and confirm the authenticity of the email addresses.
6. Use the 'Report Spam' feature of your email client. Most online and now even software (local install) email clients have a 'Report Spam' feature which blocks the delivery of future mail from the sender. It is important to make good use of this feature, because it will help keep your inbox free of unwanted mail. The only email addresses you are worried about receiving spam from is your personal email address and business email address, the spam catcher email address should not be an account you log into daily, you should only log into your spam catcher email address to confirm an email. At this point you shouldn't receive any spam into your business email address account, if you followed the steps above, but if you do then make sure you use the 'Report Spam' feature so you can block future delivery. Use the 'Report Spam' feature immediately when you receive spam so there is no delay and to be sure you don't miss a spam message. In your personal email address account you will probably receive spam messages or unwanted mail, if you do then make sure you use the 'Report Spam' feature each time you receive a piece of unwanted mail, within a few months and good email address management (following the steps above) you should never or rarely see any spam coming into your inbox.
If you receive an email to your inbox, then make sure you use the "Report Spam" feature in email client. It should immediately remove any mail you do not want to have. Following the steps above is important to get a good clean inbox. Managing your email address ultimately your responsibility and you have to know who you are sharing your information with. Most people only use one email address for all their communication, the technique is not the best choice. You must use an email address at least 3 follow the steps above. You can only log into one account, your personal email or the email address of your business and just got an email from the other forwarded to your account to login to most. You can also send email from an account under either a personal or business email address. Setting up a forwarder and the sender's account is not a difficult task in the three major online email client. For some additional steps may be taken, as with Yahoo! you must have a paid account to forward your mail, but from your Gmail can automatically forward your email where you like for FREE. So, if you forward email to your Gmail account and setup your Yahoo! several accounts in your Yahoo! Account then you are in good condition. Use a Hotmail account as your spam catcher. These are just thoughts, but you can set it any way you like, your preferences. Currently, I have a paid Yahoo account and I use my Yahoo! account as my business email address. I use my Gmail account as my personal email, and I use my Hotmail account as my spam catcher. Email My Yahoo! forwarded directly to my Gmail account, and I have setup sender account in my Gmail account, which will send email as my email address Yahoo. I use Gmail Notify and immediately know when I receive new emails from both my public (private) or email address of the business. I rarely log into my Hotmail account, just to confirm an email or just to log in so do not close my account. Proactive approach has made my inbox clean for years now and I'm sure it will help you with your fight against SPAM!